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BAHNON Representative

 Jo Greedy  BAHNON Representative


 Base:  Taunton and Somerset Foundation Trust, Musgrove Park Hospital.   Taunton.

 Jo began her nursing career in 1994 within ent/ head and neck occupying a   junior sister role for a few years before moving on to develop the first head and   neck clinical nurse specialist role for Somerset in 2002. During this time, she   has worked with patients through a trajectory of treatments including surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and biological therapies and holds a joint MDT lead role with her lead clinician. In addition, she retains an occasional lecturer post with the University of West of England (UWE) delivering the post graduate head and neck cancer module coordinating a range of clinicians working within this field.

Jo has been an active member of South West Bahnon since 2002 and amalgamated her involvement and commitment to national level by joining Bahnon in 2016. This has enabled her to build and strengthen her service through networking, study and sharing good practice improving service delivery for those in her care. Jo has been vice chair for Bahnon for the last year and takes up the role of chair from Marie Smith in March 2020.