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Investigating the feasibility of augmented reality and simulation training for urgent laryngectomy care
Ms Freya Sparks and Ms Louise Occomore-Kent were the recipients of the 2024 BAHNO Research Grant. You are now invited to take part in this important evaluation. By taking part you will receive training on urgent laryngectomy care needs and education on laryngectomy daily care needs. This will be of benefit to your clinical practice and may also benefit people with laryngectomy requiring urgent care. The study is particularly keen to recruit participants who may work with laryngectomy infrequently, or who are less familiar with managing emergency/urgent scenarios in people with laryngectomy. For example, Head and Neck Radiographers, ENT Resident Doctors, Restorative Dentists, Physiotherapists, Oncologists.
Details available here: /_userfiles/pages/files/research/smartly_pis.pdf
Experiences of healthcare professionals in managing nutrition in patients with advanced head and neck cancer
Rebecca Smith is a dietitian and a BAHNO member. She is currently undertaking a Masters in Clinical Research and her thesis is titled 'Healthcare professionals experiences of managing nutrition in patients with palliative head and neck cancer'. She has devised a qualitative interview study to explore the views and experiences of professionals involved with nutrition for HNC patients with a palliative diagnosis. More specifically, the aims are:
1) to explore how HCPs address the possible deterioration of nutrition with patients and family
2) to investigate the decision making process around what nutritonal therapy to use and when
3) to explore the outcomes of the nutritional therapies
Any information you provide will be kept confidential and secure at School of Nursing, University of Birmingham; electronic data will be on encrypted data sticks, encrypted hard drives or password protected computers. Participant identifiable data processed for the study will comply with the Data Protection Act 2018 - the UK’s implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Common Law Duty of Confidence.
The survey - and further information - is available here.
Your help would be much appreciated!
Standards and datasets for reporting cancers: Dataset for the histopathological reporting of nodal excisions and neck dissection specimens
BAHNO is a stakeholder in this document and The Royal College of Pathologists is inviting feedback on changes made after the initial consultantion.
College members with a login can access the draft at www.rcpath.org/profession/publications/documents-in-development.html, where they are able to download the document and leave comments.
The document is also available here Please send your comments direct to the RCP via this email draftguidelines@rcpath.org
Your contributions would be most welcome.
The consultation closes on 28 March 2024.
INTEGRATE - call for collaborators
INTEGRATE is pleased to launch a national retrospective multicentre audit of Head and Neck Squamous cell carcinoma Multidisciplinary Team meetings (MDT). This is an exciting opportunity to be involved in impactful, collaborative multi-centre research.
WHO? This audit has been developed by INTEGRATE (The UK ENT Trainee Research Network) head and neck subcommittee.
WHY? In the UK, the MDT approach is the gold standard of care for patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinomas. Due to the regional variation in resources and demographic characteristics, the standardisation of head and neck management is difficult. As such, this audit aims to understand the decision making, pathway compliance, and outcomes of patients discussed at the Head and Neck MDT across the UK.
WHAT?We need ENT representatives from UK Head and Neck MDTs to submit data on the diagnostic pathway, management, and outcomes for patients presented at the MDT. Full instructions and links to all the study documents can be found here. We will also be asking that a representative from each MDT completes a survey about their MDT.
Each centre can have a maximum of one local Site Lead and one Consultant, plus a maximum of ONE Collaborator. Site Leads, Consultants and Collaborators will be acknowledged on all subsequent presentations and publications (as per INTEGRATE term of reference).
HOW? To register and collaborate on this study, please complete the registration form (so we can stay in touch) and then follow instructions here: https://entintegrate.co.uk/head-neck-mdt-snapshot-audit. If you are a trainee-grade, we recommend that you get support from your MDT Lead prior to registering. The data submission window is now open, and will close on 1st March 2024.
BAHNO survey
All BAHNO members should have received a link to a SurveyMonkey from the President. Should you not be able to find the email in your inbox, please complete the survey here.
It should only take about 6 minutes - and your help in forming the future of BAHNO would be appreciated.
Thank you!
Consultation open: G112 Dataset for the histopathological reporting of nodal excisions and neck dissection specimens
Letter received from the Royal College of Pathology:
As your organisation was a stakeholder in the attached document, I am pleased to inform you that it is now available for consultation and to invite your feedback.
College members with a login can access the draft at www.rcpath.org/profession/publications/documents-in-development.html, where they are able to download the document and leave comments.
I also attach the draft here for your attention, and for you to forward to your members/colleagues for comment if appropriate.
Please either collate all feedback and send it to the College via draftguidelines@rcpath.org, or your members are of course welcome to send their comments to us directly via that same email.
The consultation closes on 4 January 2024.
Thank you in advance for your contributions.
Best wishes,
Alice Crawley-Carr
Editorial and Content Officer
The Royal College of Pathologists
6 Alie Street, London E1 8QT
Tel: 020 7451 6744
Email: Alice.Crawley-Carr@rcpath.org
Request from American Society of Clinical Oncology
Transoral Robotic Surgery for Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Cancer: ASCO Guideline protocol is open for comment now through Wednesday, September 20th at 11:59 PM EDT.
We invite you to submit feedback on the draft guideline protocol. Interested reviewers must fill out the confidentiality agreement on the first page of the survey linked above. Responses will be reviewed by the ASCO staff and Expert Panel before the protocol is finalized. More information is available at www.asco.org/open-comment-guidelines. We encourage you to share with your colleagues that this guideline protocol is available for comment.
We look forward to hearing your feedback.
Brittany E. Harvey (she/her/hers)
Guidelines & Measures Administrator
Policy & Advocacy
American Society of Clinical Oncology
2318 Mill Road, Suite 800
Alexandria, VA 22314
+1 571-483-1769 • brittany.harvey@asco.org