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Honorary Administrative Secretary

 Andrew Schache  Honorary Administrative Secretary

 Andrew is a Clinical Academic Head & Neck Surgeon (OMFS) based in the   Liverpool Head & Neck Centre (LHNC).

 His academic interests are broad and cover both HPV positive and negative   Head & Neck malignancy, with a focus towards development and delivery   clinical trials. He is an active member of both the NCRI H&N Clinical Group and   its surgery and localised therapies (S<) subgroup. He is also a young investigator   on the EORTC H&N group.
Andrew is the lead for education within the LHNC, a remit which spans undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate education in Head & Neck surgery and more broadly in OMFS.

His clinical practice covers both ablative & reconstructive H&N surgery including providing support for the reconstructive component of the regional skull base service. He contributes to the Sentinel Lymph Node service at Aintree Hospital and has a clinical interest in expanding assessment and/or use of surgical technology.