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Royal College of Physicians

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The British Association of Head and Neck Oncologists is a multidisciplinary society for healthcare professionals involved in the study and treatment of head and neck cancer.

The association was first constituted in 1967 as the Association of Head and Neck Oncologists of Great Britain. The stimulus for its formation was the need to encourage discussion and the sharing of knowledge between the various clinical and research specialties involved in the management of head and neck cancer.

This year’s conference theme is: Health Inequity and Inequality in Head and Neck Cancer Care in the UK

▌ Vinidh Paleri, BAHNO President
▌ Ceri Hughes, Honorary Conference Secretary
▌ Laura Manning, BAHNO Secretariat

The Blair Hesketh Lecture has been made possible by the kind donation from Mr Rollo Hesketh and support by the Oracle Cancer Trust.

Dr Jessica Allen
Deputy Director, UCL Institute of Health Equity, London

Jessica’s main activities are in working to embed a social determinants approach to health inequalities in England and globally. She led work on the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region Commission on the Social Determinants of Health (published March 2021), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Commission on Equity and Health Inequalities in the Americas and the Review of Social Determinants of Health and the Health Divide in the WHO European Region. She was previously Project Director of the Strategic Review of Health Inequalities in England post-2010 (the Marmot Review) and in February 2020, co-authored the Marmot Review 10 Years On report and in December 2020 led work on Build Back Fairer: the COVID-19 Marmot review.

Jessica has worked closely with international organisations, national and local governments, third sector organisations and the NHS and published widely on social determinants of health. She is a member of several advisory groups in England and internationally. Prior to her work at UCL she was head of Health and Social Care at IPPR, Research Fellow in Public Health at the Kings Fund, and worked at Unicef and LSE. She has published and broadcast widely on issues relating to health and social care policy. She holds a doctorate from the University of London.

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