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The Oracle Trust

Peter Rhys Evans Scholarship

Oracle Cancer Trust is delighted to announce a new scholarship scheme for senior Head and Neck Cancer Trainees who would benefit from financial support to attend international multidisciplinary Head and Neck cancer conferences.  The scholarship is being awarded in the name of Oracle’s Founder, the late Peter Rhys Evans, who was a strong advocate of multidisciplinary and international best practice exchange.

The Oracle Cancer Trust Peter Rhys Evans Scholarship is available NOW and we are taking applications for attendance at the upcoming ESTRO - Multidisciplinary management of head and neck oncology conference in Amman, Jordan on February 14, 2023.  Deadline December 16, 2022.

There will be two scholarships available in 2023.    Every year there will be one scholarship available with a medical/oncology focus and one scholarship with a surgical focus.  The next scholarship will have a surgical focus.

Further information available here

Please contact the Oracle Research team if you have questions about your eligibility for this scheme or require any assistance with your application:

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