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Urgent cancer research needing H&N Surgeons


Urgent Cancer Research needing H&N Surgeons.
COVID SURG CANCER - a National/International cohort study has opened, assessing the impact of COVID19 on Surgery, and more specifically for us, on Head & Neck Surgery.
Following the suspension of clinical trials and portfolio studies EXCEPT those addressing COVID, this is an opportunity for all H&N surgeons to provide real-time evidence on our practice and patient

This data is expected to translate into rapid guidance on the safety (or otherwise) of our current swiftly evolving clinical practice (Output expected – April 2020).

CovidSurg Cancer/HN will determine: 

  • the frequency of hospital-acquired COVID-19 infection following H&N surgery; 
  • the impact on COVID-19 infection on H&N outcomes; 
  • delays / de-escalation to H&N surgery caused by the pandemic and consequent impact on oncological outcomes; 
  • safety of H&N surgery to surgeons and HCW 

See page under clinician tab

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