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News Archive – March 2020

Events for the below selected month

Proposal for a UK Head & Neck Oncology Collaborative


Message from the President of BAHNO to members

We are all working in a period of unprecedented demand and there is no doubt that the management of many patients with head and neck cancer will have to be modified during the current COVID-19 crisis.  The ability for us to treat these patients will...

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Urgent cancer research needing H&N Surgeons



Urgent Cancer Research needing H&N Surgeons. COVID SURG CANCER - a National/International cohort study has opened, assessing the impact of COVID19 on Surgery, and more specifically for us, on Head & Neck Surgery. Following the suspension of...

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Message from IFHNOS


Impact of Covid-19 on IFHNOS

Dear Colleagues, From the massive catastrophe created by the Covid-19 Pandemic around the world, we all are in the midst of its impact on ourselves, our family and friends and our societies in general. The aftermath of this pandemic will last for...

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Guidance for reinsertion of TEP voice prostheses


BAHNO proposed guidance during the COVID-19 pandemic

BAHNO recognises that the management of many patients with cancer will have to be modified during the current COVID-19 crisis.  One particulat group that may cause management dilemmas are those with voice prostheses. Please click here for the...

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Proposed guidance for laryngectomy surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic


To UK Head and Neck MDTs

Please click here for the BAHNO proposed guidance for laryngectomy surgery during the COVID 19 pandemic

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Coronavirus vaccines


Five key questions as trials begin

Some experts warn that accelerated testing will involve some risky trade-offs. Article in Nature Research Journal

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BAHNO Statement on COVID-19


Please click here for the BAHNO Statement on COVID-19. Initial guidance for head and neck cancer management during Covid-10 pandemic, in consultation with ENTUK.  BAOMS endorsement awaited.

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Transmission routes of 2019-nCoV


Controls in dental practice

The International Journal of Oral Science has the following article: A novel β-coronavirus (2019-nCoV) caused severe and even fetal pneumonia explored in a seafood market of Wuhan city, Hubei province, China, and rapidly spread to other provinces...

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MHRA advice


Advice for management of clinical trials in relation to Coronavirus

Latest advice from MHRA available on their website  

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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


Announcement from The Royal College of Surgeons

In response to COVID-19, The Royal College of Surgeons has announced they are cancelling or postponing some exams, courses and other activites to minimise the risk to key medical professionals.  See their website for more...

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