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Events for the below selected month

The 2nd Kathmandu Head & Neck Reconstructive Surgery Course


1st -2nd October 2019

This course is accredited by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and has an impressive UK faculty. Further details available here.

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8th UK Swallowing Research Group Conference


6th and 7th February 2020

Booking is now open for this event.  Please see the listing on the BAHNO events pages. Poster available here

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Free Screening Wharfedale Hospital


Make Sense Campaign

Wharfedale Hospital, Yorkshire is offering FREE SCREENING at a drop-in clinic: Friday 20th September 09.00 - 12.00. This is offered as part of the global Make Sense Campaign.

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Abstracts from BAHNO meeting are published in JOPM


Exciting collaboration!

It is with great pleasure that I can inform you that Wiley has kindly agreed to publish the abstracts from the recent Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Association of Head and Neck Oncologists (BAHNO). As the Editor in Chief of JOPM and also...

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We need more jabs for lads

The Teenage Cancer Trust states:  ''More than a million teenage boys are going to miss out on vaccinations that could prevent cancer. We are calling for all teenage boys and young men to be offered the #HPV vaccine free on the NHS'' Human...

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BAHNO Public Engagement Committee to visit UK schools


Raising awareness of HPV gender neutral vaccination

The BAHNO Public Engagement Committee, under the Directorship of  Professor Anastasios Kanatas, will be visiting schools this Autumn to explain about the Government’s commitment to extend HPV vaccination to boys. The incidence of potentially...

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New prizes at BASO meeting


17-18 November 2019

BASO is opening submission for two NEW Prizes that will be awarded at the forthcoming Annual Meeting in November. *BASO Trainees Audit/QIP Prize: Open to trainees to encourage and support them in the audit /QIP projects with a view to improving...

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Saving Faces - The Facial Surgery Research Foundation


Royal Parks Half Marathon

Are you looking for a challenge and fancy seeing some of London’s most iconic landmarks? Then you might want to run the Royal Parks Half Marathon for Saving Faces on 13th October 2019! The half marathon's stunning route takes in some of the...

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Population-level impact and herd effects following the introduction of human papillomavirus vaccination programmes


From The Lancet

The results show compelling evidence of the substantial impact of HPV vaccination programmes on HPV infections and CIN2+ among girls and women, and on anogenital warts diagnoses among girls, women, boys, and men. Additionally, programmes with...

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Head & Neck Cancer Patient Treated with Innovative Radiotherapy Treatment


UK first

A woman from Salisbury has become the first patient in the UK with head and neck cancer to receive radiotherapy in the operating theatre during surgery to remove a recurrent tumour. Jayne Garrett, 53, underwent major surgery at University...

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Head & Neck cancer patient receives radiotherapy during surgery


BAHNO members involved in UK first

A woman has become the first patient in the UK with head & neck cancer to receive radiotherapy during surgery to remove a recurrent tumour. Jayne Garrett underwent major surgery at University Hospital, Southampton after suffering a recurrence of...

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ASCO 2019: Immunotherapy better than aggressive chemotherapy as first treatment option for recurrent head and neck cancer


Media release: The Institute of Cancer Research, London

Immunotherapy used with chemotherapy or on its own is a better first-line treatment for people with head and neck cancer that has returned than standard aggressive chemotherapy, new clinical trial results show. At diagnosis, people with head and...

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The Waterside Ape - an alternative account of human evolution


New book available by Mr Peter Rhys Evans

  Have you ever wondered why humans have such an affinity for water and the sea, unlike any other primate? Why some people have dark skin and others have paler skin? Why we lost our fur and are the only Naked Ape? Why, out of over 4,000 land...

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Professor Maura L Gillison presents at BAHNO


Packed auditorium hears American Professor’s lecture

Professor Maura L Gillison was the Blair Hesketh invited speaker at the recent BAHNO Annual Scientific Meeting.  Over 300 delegates listened to her presentation on the management of HPV and oropharyngeal cancer and a lively case-based panel...

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The President’s Awards


Outstanding surgeons recognised

At his final AGM as President of BAHNO, Professor Hisham Mehanna took the opportunity to honour four surgeons who have contributed greatly to BAHNO and to the specialty. Mr Michael Fardy and Mr Nicholas Roland were given Honorary Life Membership...

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Doctors team up to treat 'untreatable growth' - and the results are 'miraculous'


Patient told his condition was incurable until two Teesside surgeons stepped in to change his life

Fantastic news from Teesside!  Please read the article here. From Teesside Live NHS.

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FAQ Discussion Guide for Patients Diagnosed with Head & Neck Cancer launched


Make Sense Campaign launches booklet for patients

A diagnosis of head and neck cancer can be shocking and in the following weeks will have you navigating through your medical system. During this time, conversations with your healthcare professionals will be intense and, sometimes, short, but you...

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BAHNO Annual Scientific Meeting


Friday 17th May 2019

The BAHNO meeting this year has been accredited 6 CPD points by the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Register here Registrations on the day will incur a £50 administrative charge!

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Dynamic host immune response in virus-associated cancers


Abstract Viruses drive carcinogenesis in human cancers through diverse mechanisms that have not been fully elucidated but include promoting immune escape. Here we investigated associations between virus-positivity and immune pathway alteration...

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Non-murine models to investigate tumor-immune interactions in head and neck cancer


On-line article

The immune response has important roles in the biology of solid tumors, including oncogenesis, tumor growth, invasion and metastasis, and response to treatment. Improved understanding of tumor-immune system interactions has provided promising...

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